Cargill - Brockton | Sunroom addition siding prep, insulation and drywall
We installed an aluminum flashing over the foundation wall lapped with blueskin flashing tape, which is covered by the Pressure Treated ledger board for the future decks and then another aluminum flashing lapping all the previous work is installed and also covered in blueskin to ensure adequate water drainage in the rain screen layer.
The strapping has been completed on the addition to create a rain screen / ventilated cavity behind the siding, 16” o.c. vertical strapping then strapped 12” o.c. horizontally in preparation for the Maibec Board and Batten siding.
The wiring rough in was completed by Tim Wells Electric. The addition was insulated by Martin’s Insulation with polyurethane closed cell spray foam. Achieving an R-28 wall and R-50 ceiling. They sprayed from the footings to the peak of the roof, including capping any of the interior double brick wall and foundation to stop thermal bridging.
We installed 1/2” CGC drywall board in the sunroom with Trim Tex drywall corner beads. All supplied to us by Welbeck Sawmill.
The addition has been taped, and the cover coat ran on all the tapes and corners, screws have all been spotted a second time.
The addition has now been skim coated with our 12” Columbia box and the screw spotted a third coat, we have skimmed out the neo angles at the ceilings with our 8” Columbia box, and we came back over all the joints with a final skim coat with our 14” Columbia box.
We have sanded out all the drywall with our sander hooked to a dust extractor to minimize the dust and have now primed the drywall with primer supplied by Farlow’s Home Hardware. Can’t wait for our windows, doors and skylights to arrive!